These are traditional Ukrainian embroidered Easter (Pascha) Basket
that are used to cover your Easter Basket.
There is a tradition in the Ukrainian Churches that a basket be filled
with a little of each of the foods given up during Lent.
This also includes the traditional Easter Bread, salt, butter,
kobasa and Pysanky.
It is then covered by this traditional hand made cloth and taken
to church on the Pascha to be blessed by the priest.
Then, after the Pascha liturgy the first food eaten to break
the fast is taken from this basket and shared by the entire family.
Prices, place of origin and availability are as marked. These are not
screen prints or machine made, but hand embroidered and all are
handmade in Ukraine.
These are all hand cross stitched and many have extensive cut and draw
Ask before you buy. Other companies are selling less expensive machine embroidered
cloths , but ATU's goal is to provide an incentive to keep
art form alive for the next generation. Read our Payment Policy